CAN AL-QUR'AN READING WITH CURRENT, IN A DAY"Really, We make it easy Qur'an away by language so that they get a lesson" QS.44: 58Although the need is relatively long, in the end, I was given the ability to develop a book to learn to read the Qur'an dg Easy, Precise, Fast and Systematic. AL-Ambiya METHOD.Why easy? ... .... Enough to know the formula or the core, within 17 minutes, was able to read a very convincing dg.Why exactly? ... ... .. In this method no letters other than letters hijaiyah latinya, so that when not forget, just look at the equation letter and immediately thought back in waqktu size second.Why fast? ... .... In another method, if not a month or 32 times read, or vol 2 have not been able to produce cogent reading, although there are several, including hattaiyah method, which is almost equal Dlm kecepatanya, while the method of Al-Ambiya, in just 17 minutes, Current reading IQRO (method al-Ambiya) and God willing in 17 minutes, must have read dg complete and convincing.What is dg systematic ?....... That is enough to know the order which has been described or know the formula only once, no need to be repeated for the next lesson, it automatically knows dg itself.Is there a method of Al-Ambiya weaknesses? ... ... .. there, for those who are illiterate Indonesian language (the alphabet) can not follow or use the method al-Ambiya. Including who does not speak INDONESIA. This method specifically for teens at least KLS V SD and org Old (Mature)Dear Readers reply. There are several events which make compiler very optimistic, very confident, very much hope, that the events so far, may be repeated handling the same event, ie there are 4 org, among the already known three letter hijaiyah, but just know very little content dg , one of the 4 org, it really did not know. sorry I call his name, hopefully ill reduce my respect to the 4 org is .1. Bp. HM.Ruzi Noer, Tangerang, he read the Koran fluently in 4 meetings, times 60 minutes or less and strength were compared. 2. Early mother, east of Jakarta, he was my count 4 meetings, fluent reading of the Koran, including law and tanwin far off, he understood .3. Ibu Bambang Setiawan, east of Jakarta. 4. Mother Bachtiar, east of Jakarta, they were tinggui IQ, so that in a short time, 4 times the current meeting to read the Koran, but the four who still doubt tajwidnya (law nun dead and tanwinya). There are even people who just read the instructions alone, without guidance or guidance teacher, he could read quite well, namely people of Manado Mamanya Vandy, east of Jakarta.Insha Allah for those who have the willingness and ability, and for who are interested in studying, I've coached in one day, God willing, smooth read the Qur'an. Who want to try to please come, dg is the willingness and capability requirements. Thank you, thank you, thank you O God, O Robbie.
Perumpamaan Org Yg Mengerjakan Kebajikan dan Mengharap Pahala dari Allah, Sama Dg Ibu Musa, Menyusui Anaknya dan Mendapat Upahnya .
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